
During their training process, models will produce checkpoints. These have the .ckpt extension, as opposed to the .pt extension of exported models. A final checkpoint will always be saved together with its corresponding exported model at the end of training. For example, if the final model is saved as, a model.ckpt will also be saved. In addition, checkpoints are saved at regular intervals during training. These can be found in the outputs directory.

While exported models are used for inference, the main use of checkpoints is to resume training from a certain point. This is useful if you want to continue training a model after it has been interrupted, or if you want to fine-tune a model on a new dataset.

The sub-command to continue training from a checkpoint is

metatensor-models train options.yaml --continue model.ckpt


metatensor-models train options.yaml -c model.ckpt

Checkpoints can also be turned into exported models using the export sub-command.

metatensor-models export model.ckpt -o


metatensor-models export model.ckpt --output

Keep in mind that a checkpoint (.ckpt) is only a temporary file, which can have several dependencies and may become unusable if the corresponding architecture is updated. In constrast, exported models (.pt) act as standalone files. For long-term usage, you should export your model! Exporting a model is also necessary if you want to use it in other frameworks, especially in molecular simulations (see the Tutorials).